Name: Erin
Birthdate: 09/21/1983
Current Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight before pregnancy: 145 lbs.
Current Weight: 171 lbs
Partner's Name: Tom
Partner's Birthdate: 01/14/1983
Partner's Age: 26
Partner's Height: 6'2''
Partner's Weight before pregnancy: ??? Roughly 200 lbs or so
Partner's Current Weight: Same
When did you find out you were pregnant? June 12 was the first positive pregnancy test, and we confirmed it at the doctor on June 17.
Who did you tell first about the pregnancy? Tom
Date of Conception? um...not really sure?
Due Date? February 18, 2009
Was the pregnancy planned? We weren't preventing it from happening but we weren't trying very hard either.
How did your parents react? My parents were excited but pretty calm about the whole thing.
How did your partner's parents react? My father-in-law's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head and my mother-in-law screamed at the top of her lungs. They were only a little excited :)
Did you go to the doctor yet? More times than I can count
Did you have your first ultrasound? I've had 3 total
Do you know the sex? yes
Boy or Girl? Girl
How is the baby's movement? She used to kick me repeatedly as soon as I sat or laid down, but her movements have slowed down a little lately. Now it is more like a gentle rolling most of the time, but there are still occasions of hard kicks.
How is the baby's heartbeat? Strong - usually around 140s-150s
Baby's name? ***** ********* or ******* ********* or ******** ***** or maybe ******** **** you all know we haven't decided and the names are secret anyway!!
Who do you think the baby will look like? My nose at least, probably brown hair which will turn blonde later. I'm hoping she gets Tom's big brown eyes and his ears (mine are a little too elfy)
Mom to be's favorite foods? Anything made from potatoes
Mom to be's latest cravings? Chocolate
Mom to be's latest "mom" moment? When we moved the bassinet into our bedroom and I thought how there was really going to be a baby in there soon!
What was the first change you noticed in your body? Suddenly I felt nauseous all the time
What was the latest change in your body? Back pain and increasing pelvic pressure
What is your sleep schedule? It varies, but it usally involves falling asleep around 10-11, waking at 12-1, and then getting up around 6-7
What is your work schedule? 8-4:30, Mon-Thurs
What is the last thing you bought for the baby? Chest rub, baby tylenol
What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Spare parts for the breastpump (I guess that was for both of us)
Planned birth place? Good Samaritan Hospital
Are you scared? More like anxious but a little yeah
Are you going to use drugs? Not if I can help it
How do you think you will react? I have no idea - I will probably cry and be very happy
How do you think your partner will react? I'm predicting he will cry, but you know, the manly kind when you shed like 1 or 2 actual tears and mostly just get all wet around the eyes
Have you started birthing classes? We already had ours.
What is the nursery theme? Ocean
Are you going to breastfeed? Of course