I do not have an exact weight, but I'm guessing Jemma is around 15 or 16 lbs. I weighed her by stepping onto our scale, and it increased by over 16lbs!! Of course, she had clothes and diaper on, so not entirely accurate, but close enough for me to say she has outgrown her bassinet...which made me sad because I love her bassinet! I was bumming at the thought of having to get up, pad down the hall, pick her up, feed her, get her back to sleep, and then go back to bed. Initially this was the routine we had because I could not figure out how to nurse her on my side, and I was soooooo tired all the time, even when we were only getting up 1 time a night to nurse. About a month or so ago, I figured out how to feed her on my side, and since then I have been getting such good sleep - and so has she. I think because she doesn't really wake up as much, so she goes right back to sleep after nursing.
So I'm sure you can imagine why I was not happy at the thought of losing this wonderful routine we had developed...especially since I just started back to work and I really need my sleep!! I decided to invest in something else to keep by our bed because her crib is just too big. It would not fit. We'd have to take our bed out of the room for it to fit, and that would completely defeat the whole point!! I am so excited to introduce our new Arm's Reach Mini Convertible Co-sleeper:

This thing is so cool! It can bump right up next your the bed (like I have it shown), it can be a free standing bassinet, and it is also a little playard too! And it will support her up to 30lbs on the top and 50lbs on the bottom...so it will last a long time and be great for traveling, too!!!
So what became of our old bassinet? Well, it converts into a infant/toddler chair, which is now sitting in our living room. And for your enjoyment, here are some pictures of Miss Jemma using it as a chair :) She is just so adorable.

You are right, she is absolutely adorable! I've been waiting to see some pictures!
Aunt Margie
The co-sleeper looks awesome! I never knew they could support so much weight! Ried has just recently moved out of our room. He had been sleeping on the floor since he outgrew the bassinet feature on our pack-n-play(max. wt. 16 lbs.) For some odd reason he hated it once it was lowered to the play yard level.
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