Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 39

I'm itchy. All over. Although my doctor last week did not think much of the rash beginning on my stomach (he said it was due to all the stretching and to use hydrocortisone cream 3 x day). Well, now it is everywhere. EVERYWHERE. From the tops of my feet to my shoulders and down to the tops of my hands. It has not yet spread to my back or bottom, but the entire front of me looks like it is covered in little red bumps...sort of like pimples but paler. As an added bonus, the initial ones that started on my stretch marks have morphed into this red blob...although they have been less itchy than the other places of my body. Or I am just noticing it less because there are so many other places itching. Oh the joys of pregnancy. On the plus side, while this is more annoying than chicken pox, it has no harmful side effects for the baby - just intense, horrible itching bumps for me! It is definitely PUPPP, even if the doctor didn't officialy diagnosis. Currently my focus is on trying to get the itching to lessen.

I have had some contractions this week, but I haven't really been feeling a whole lot. One false incident on Wednesday morning, but that ended up going nowhere. Surprisingly, I thought I'd be feeling a lot more frantic about having the baby than I am. Two weeks ago I was more than ready to be done, and while I definitely want to be done, I am feeling more calm about the whole process (even with the added itch factor). I guess I have accepted the fact that the baby will come when she's ready. It also helped a little that the doctor told me they wouldn't let me go more than a week overdue, which puts me at under 2 weeks regardless. I can handle that.

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