Monday, February 16, 2009

Gearing Up

Well, it's Monday. I was hoping to have a baby, or at least be on my way to having one by now. I do think it will be soon, as I having been having lots more contractions. Friday I went to the doctor, got checked out (almost 3 cm dilated!), and they stripped my membranes. I also got referred to a dermatologist for this skin rash, as my OB seems to have no real clue what it is other than to say "it's probably pregnancy related." I am still convinced it is PUPPP after looking at all the information online, and knowing my own symptoms. The OB was hoping a dermatologist could make sure it wasn't anything worse, and get me some relief from all the itching. However, no one was available Friday, so I am going to see if someone can squeeze me in this afternoon or tomorrow. I'm not sure what they'll be able to do, but I figure it is worth a shot.

Anywho, Friday I had contractions off and on all day following my doctor's appt, and by evening they did regulate to 10 minutes apart, but then tapered off before bed. Saturday morning I didn't feel a whole lot, but again as the day progressed, contractions picked up and even kept me awake until about 2 AM. They were 5-7 minutes apart, but then stopped once I fell asleep. Yesterday was the same, except I had them intermittently all night but not in any type of pattern. This, combined with the itchy feeling, left me waking up about every hour. They are also getting stronger and have been more intense each day. This makes me think labor is coming soon, as my body really seems to be gearing up and practicing. I hope so. I am ready to get over the waiting and meet this little person. So, keep your fingers crossed that labor starts soon, and that we have a healthy mama and a healthy baby at the end of it. We'll continue to keep you updated!

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