Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jemma Gets a High Chair...and Bananas!

I have been keeping an eye out for a high chair for little Miss Jemma. We've been doing some mashed bananas in very small quantities, but we hadn't really had anywhere to put her other than her bouncy chair, which is just a huge mess waiting to happen! So, I happened to stop in Once Upon a Child today after work, and they had a Fischer Price Space Saver high chair for $15!! These are normally like 60 bucks or something! I had been pondering where I wanted a full size high chair, but I really like this one, especially at this price. I just love consignment shops. You can find such good deals! Anyway, here is Jemma pre-bananas trying out her new to us high chair!

Of course we had to try it out, so here are some of our mealtime photos!!

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