I'm going to make a startling announcement. I enjoy cloth diapering Jemma! Crazy, I know! Who thought anyone would ever say they like to diaper their child? Certainly not me! Now, I'm not saying I love poopy diapers, but cloth diapers are at least fun. Disposables are just diapers. They all look the same and they're kind of ugly. Cloth diapers are cute! At least ours are. Well, actually the cloth diapers we use aren't all that exciting since they come from the service, but our diaper covers are bright and fun. They do make colored diapers, but I don't have to buy my own. Jemma currently has a few different types of covers, but we mainly use Thirsties. They work fantastically, and are so adorable. She has pink, lilac, orange, and yellow. At night, we use fleece covers, but I don't have a picture of her in those. I'll get one soon. They are huge and fluffy, and I love her little fluffy bum!
I'm currently coveting some fleece soakers for our diaper stash. They are covers for the day, but are kind of like little pants to wear over the diapers and then you don't have to wear other pants. They are nice and soft and apparently great for warmer weather so baby doesn't have to wear so many layers. You can also get little sets with matching t-shirts like these from Monster Fluff Studios which I am totally in love with:

While on the cding topic, I also have to rave about our diaper service, Good Natured Baby. It is so nice to never have to worry about having enough diapers (we get 100 a week!) or wipes (we're also using cloth wipes). I am so thankful that there is a service in our area. I think I would still be cding if I didn't have the diaper service, but it is so convenient. The cost is roughly the equivalent of buying disposables. I have thought about just buying prefolds and doing the laundry myself to save on costs, but until that is really necessary, I'm not going down that road!
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