Well, I am sitting at work, watching the snow fall outside our window. None of our patients showed up, and it is likely that none will this afternoon either. I don't blame them. I wouldn't be taking my child out in this if I didn't have to. Unfortunately for her, she's still stuck going everywhere I go since she still has a few weeks left in there (although sooner is okay with me - I keep trying to tell her that she can come out now, but she apparently isn't listening. The rebellion begins...).
Anywhoo, there is not a lot going on with us except wait and see! The doctors said I could go anytime or maybe not for a few more weeks. I am feeling a lot more pressure and I am a "fingertip dilated" (can't remember if I posted that before or not, but oh well - pregnancy brain!). I'm having more and more Braxton Hicks contractions, so my body is definitely practicing for the big day. I've also recently developed stretch marks (BOOO!), which I was so hoping to go without. How annoying to make it 37 weeks without a single one, and then get like 10 in a day...I just hope they don't spread too much...
Tonight, as long as the weather holds up, Tom and I are going to a new parent visit at one of our possible pediatrician choices - Springdale Mason Pediatrics. They have 2 offices and we are planning to use the Springdale office, as long as we like who we see this evening. We are trying to find a pediatrician who will be knowledgable and helpful about delaying and spreading out vaccinations. I know there is no conclusive evidence linking vaccinations to anything, but I have had way too many patients who come in with the story that their child was fine, got a vaccine, and then went downhill. Better safe than sorry, in my opinion. Tom agrees. Plus, looking at the vaccination schedule for kids now compared to what we got when we were young is astounding. They get like 6 vaccinations at 2 months...that seems like a lot to throw at a little baby. We do want our child to have all her vaccines, just hopefully spread out.
Well, I'm not sure I have a whole lot more to ramble about, but if I think of anything, I'll be sure to let you know :) Enjoy this beautiful snow and be safe!
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