Sunday, March 15, 2009

Getting on Schedule

I am happy to report that Jemma has begun sleeping for 4-5 hour stretches at night - yeah!!!!! Cross your fingers that she keeps it up! She has done this for the past week, so I am hoping this is going to be a more consistent pattern. It has been really nice to sleep for more than 3 hours. I've been trying to start a nighttime routine, so that we can start preparing for me to go back to work. My first day back is April 13, and I am working 2 days a week until May 11 when I go back 4 days a week. I'd like for us to have a schedule established by then. Of course, this all obviously depends on how cooperative little Jemma wants to be, but so far so good!

We made it to church this morning, and we were even there on time for our normal 10 o'clock service. Jemma had one little crying episode (she needed her diaper changed), but was otherwise content throughout the service. I'm sure that will change as she starts getting older and wants to play more. She's just happy if we hold her for now :) We went to visit our students at the high school service, but Jemma was asleep in the car seat, so we'll have to go back when she is awake.

Just wanted to give you a little update since I was sitting here sending some emails, but that's really all I have for the moment. We'll post later in the week!

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