Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finding the Cloth Love

I'm going to make a startling announcement. I enjoy cloth diapering Jemma! Crazy, I know! Who thought anyone would ever say they like to diaper their child? Certainly not me! Now, I'm not saying I love poopy diapers, but cloth diapers are at least fun. Disposables are just diapers. They all look the same and they're kind of ugly. Cloth diapers are cute! At least ours are. Well, actually the cloth diapers we use aren't all that exciting since they come from the service, but our diaper covers are bright and fun. They do make colored diapers, but I don't have to buy my own. Jemma currently has a few different types of covers, but we mainly use Thirsties. They work fantastically, and are so adorable. She has pink, lilac, orange, and yellow. At night, we use fleece covers, but I don't have a picture of her in those. I'll get one soon. They are huge and fluffy, and I love her little fluffy bum!

I'm currently coveting some fleece soakers for our diaper stash. They are covers for the day, but are kind of like little pants to wear over the diapers and then you don't have to wear other pants. They are nice and soft and apparently great for warmer weather so baby doesn't have to wear so many layers. You can also get little sets with matching t-shirts like these from Monster Fluff Studios which I am totally in love with:

While on the cding topic, I also have to rave about our diaper service, Good Natured Baby. It is so nice to never have to worry about having enough diapers (we get 100 a week!) or wipes (we're also using cloth wipes). I am so thankful that there is a service in our area. I think I would still be cding if I didn't have the diaper service, but it is so convenient. The cost is roughly the equivalent of buying disposables. I have thought about just buying prefolds and doing the laundry myself to save on costs, but until that is really necessary, I'm not going down that road!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thoughts on Breastfeeding

As most of you know, I am breastfeeding Jemma, and I have to say it is a much different experience than I ever expected. My mom nursed all of us, so I was always exposed to it, but until I was actually pregnant, I had no interest in doing it myself. It just seemed...weird? I don't know. I guess I just didn't like the idea of becoming a milk factory.

Once I was actually pregnant, I decided I wanted to breastfeed because I knew it was best for the baby, not to mention a better decision financially. Formula would cost a fortune!! Even the cost (and minor inconvenience) of purchasing a breastpump and bottles doesn't add up to the cost of formula.

So then I had Jemma, and my perspective changed again. She initially had trouble latching on and keeping it up - she'd slip or pull off and she was a very sleepy baby, so I had to constantly wake her up. I had to practically strip her naked to get her to nurse :) The first week or so was real work to get her to eat consistently, but at the time it didn't seem too bad. I knew it was going to get better eventually, and it was actually a really good way to get me to sit down and bond with Jemma initially. We spent a lot of time trying to figure it out.

Now she does great, and my next challenge is how to figure out how to do this in public without an indecent exposure episode. Jemma refuses to eat with a blanket over her head, so that isn't a great option. I have a few nursing tops which seem to work well, but I think mostly its just going to take practice.

I think the best thing about nursing so far is that it is something only I can do with Jemma. She'll take a bottle if she needs to, but she prefers to nurse. It is our special time together. It also forces me to rest and just spend some time with her. No matter what's going on, when she needs to eat, I have to stop and sit down to feed her. It is a great way for mother nature to ensure that you spend time with your baby and make you take a break every now and then!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Getting on Schedule

I am happy to report that Jemma has begun sleeping for 4-5 hour stretches at night - yeah!!!!! Cross your fingers that she keeps it up! She has done this for the past week, so I am hoping this is going to be a more consistent pattern. It has been really nice to sleep for more than 3 hours. I've been trying to start a nighttime routine, so that we can start preparing for me to go back to work. My first day back is April 13, and I am working 2 days a week until May 11 when I go back 4 days a week. I'd like for us to have a schedule established by then. Of course, this all obviously depends on how cooperative little Jemma wants to be, but so far so good!

We made it to church this morning, and we were even there on time for our normal 10 o'clock service. Jemma had one little crying episode (she needed her diaper changed), but was otherwise content throughout the service. I'm sure that will change as she starts getting older and wants to play more. She's just happy if we hold her for now :) We went to visit our students at the high school service, but Jemma was asleep in the car seat, so we'll have to go back when she is awake.

Just wanted to give you a little update since I was sitting here sending some emails, but that's really all I have for the moment. We'll post later in the week!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Date Night

Today was date night for me and Tom. My sisters came to baby-sit Jemma, and we went out for dinner and dessert. We had a gift card for Montgomery Inn, so we had that, and it was soooooo good. I love the saratoga chips!! Then we ran over to Kenwood to the bike store Tom gets his mountain bike gear from (he needed some clips for his new bike shoes). Sadly, I was starting to get tired after this, so we picked up some cheescake from the Cheescake Factory and headead home. My endurance has just not returned yet...probably due to all the sleep deprivation.

It was really nice to just be out with Tom, but it was a little strange to not have Jemma around. We have only left her one other time, and that was for an urgent trip to the doctor for me, so I wasn't thinking so much about her not being there. Even though I knew she was fine with my sisters, I kept wanting to call (although I talked myself out of it) and just wondering if she was okay. I am so grateful that we live close to family who are so willing to help out, and who I trust to care for my daughter while I have to work. I would die if I had to leave her with strangers!!! I know daycare works for some people, but I just could not bear the thought of leaving her in one. My ultimate goal is to get to a place financially where I can work 2 or 3 days a week, but we just aren't there yet. Maybe within the next 2 years...so probably by the time we are working on a second little Pope! Oh, I don't even want to think about that yet...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Motherhood: Week 2

Tom and I were sitting on the couch last night, and he was saying how strange it was that Jemma wasn't in our lives 3 weeks ago. It is crazy how quickly babies just become part of the family and you feel like they have always been with you! It seems like she has been here forever, although it's only been 2 weeks and 1 day. Amazing, huh? I think it also seems longer because she is a big baby, and it's easy to think of her as older as she is. Many babies are just hitting 8 lbs at 1 month and Jemma is probably up to 9 lbs already. She is also beginning to develop her head control, and can hold her head up by herself for about 5 seconds. She can pick her head up and turn to the other side, and her eyes are starting to focus and she tracks objects for short distances. I'm so proud :) Being a PT, I of course am watching for every little motor milestone I can. It's amazing to me how the body learns and develops on its own.

Anywho, I got off on a bit of a tangent. We are doing well at home. Tom returned to work on Monday, and he seems to be doing okay...tired, but okay. I am getting up with Jemma during the nights, but apparently she makes a lot of noise in her sleep, and it is keeping Tom awake. I am so tired I sleep right through it :) She's actually doing really good at sleeping in between feedings, and she continues to be this amazingly content little person.

I am healing up as well, and hopefully only have 2 more doctors visits in my future. I went Tuesday and my doctors were pleased that I had started to heal and everything was looking good. I have to go back Friday for another check, and then at least one time next week, maybe more depending on how things look. Although it is a pain to go to the doctor so often, it does at least get me out of the house and I know I am being well cared for.

My plan is to try to update the blog at least weekly, but we'll see how it goes. Until next time!