Sunday, September 28, 2008


Not a lot to report right now. The next doctor's appointment is at least 2 weeks away, and everything is going well. Tom has been working on painting the nursery. He got it all primed yesterday, but I had to leave the house because the paint smell was making me so dizzy! We're (well, he) is hoping to find time within the next week to get the paint color up. Once that's done I'll post a picture!

Other than that, everything is going well. I've been feeling well. Baby is continuing to kick and move around. We're trying to narrow down our name choices, but not getting terribly far with that. And don't ask about names because we're keeping that a secret until she's born. We figured we need to leave everyone with something to surprise them, since we found out the sex now. Anyway, that's about all, but I'll be in touch again soon!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I thought I had been feeling little twitches recently, and now I most definitely sure. They are inconsistent, but there have definitely been some kicks and punches from my little one! I seem to notice it most when I'm sitting still, probably because she isn't that strong yet. I'm sure that will come, though. It's exciting to know that she's really in there!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Latest news!

Well, I had my latest ultrasound on Sept. 10, and all looked well. This ultrasound was to confirm my due date (Feb. 19, 2009), and it appears to be on target. We also got the great news that we are having a little girl!! She was not being very lady like during the ultrasound, and had her little bottom up in the air, giving us quite the view. On the other hand, the ultrasound tech was very sure that she was a girl. I am trying to post the ultrasound pics, but am having some issues with the scanner, so watch for those soon. Other than that, we're doing well!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Welcome to our baby blog!

I decided to make this blog in order to share my thoughts and memories with you all as Tom and I make this journey to parenthood.  I will update regularly with new photos and fun baby stuff!