Thursday, February 26, 2009
FINALLY! Jemma's Birth Story!
I have been trying to write a post about Jemma's birth and how life is going for over a week now; however, motherhood and the internet appear to be conspiring against this. We're actually doing really well at home, but it is just adjusting to taking care of Jemma and recovering. I had the post written about 3 times and then my computer crashed and I got fed up and decided I would just start over later.
SO, Jemma's birth was an interesting experience. It was definitely not what I expected or was hoping for, but it wasn't terrible. I started having contractions around 1 in the afternoon Monday, and we headed to the hospital about 9pm that night. I was really feeling great until they broke my water at 1am, and then the contractions got really intense. I was having horrible back labor, and I was getting really tired. My doctor suggested an epidural at about 5am, and I happily agreed. I was ready to start pushing by 8am, and this is where it got interesting. I pushed for 3 hours with minimal progress - when I'd push, she'd come down, but as soon as I stopped, she went right back where she was before. This led my doctor to suspect I might have a pretty big baby (turned out she was right)...anyway, we discussed several options, but I ended up having another doctor assist to perform a forceps delivery, and Jemma came out very quickly with that assistance. I narrowly avoided a c-section, although I did end up with a 3rd degree tear thanks to my daughter's broad shoulders. It was worth it, though, and I much prefer that to a c-section scar and recovery.
Jemma turned out to be 8 lbs, 12 oz; 21 3/4 inches long; brown hair; and brownish blue eyes. She had a small abrasion on her head, but this is healing well. She also was slightly jaundiced, but again, this has cleared up. We are breastfeeding, and she had a little trouble at first, but she's a pro now. She had her first pediatrician visit today, and Dr. Weatherington was very pleased with her. She's up to 8lbs, 14 oz (already surpassed her birth weight!) and is doing all the things she should be.
I am doing well considering how difficult Jemma's birth was. I have had some complications with my tear repairing, and I have to go to the doctor every 2 days until it starts to heal on its own, which hopefully should be soon. My doctors' seem pleased with the progress, but it's just going to take some time for everything to go back together. Basically this just means I have to rest a lot and stay off my feet as much as I can. I'm not allowed to lift anything heavier than Jemma. Tom stayed home the past 2 weeks to help me out, and I have lots of friends and family who will be helping during the day once he goes back to work Monday.
Anyway, overall everything is going pretty well. Jemma is a pretty easy baby, and we are enjoying having her with us finally. We're spending lots of time cuddling and snuggling and napping together. We'll keep you updated on how life is going, but for now, we're just spending time at home adusting to life with Jemma!
SO, Jemma's birth was an interesting experience. It was definitely not what I expected or was hoping for, but it wasn't terrible. I started having contractions around 1 in the afternoon Monday, and we headed to the hospital about 9pm that night. I was really feeling great until they broke my water at 1am, and then the contractions got really intense. I was having horrible back labor, and I was getting really tired. My doctor suggested an epidural at about 5am, and I happily agreed. I was ready to start pushing by 8am, and this is where it got interesting. I pushed for 3 hours with minimal progress - when I'd push, she'd come down, but as soon as I stopped, she went right back where she was before. This led my doctor to suspect I might have a pretty big baby (turned out she was right)...anyway, we discussed several options, but I ended up having another doctor assist to perform a forceps delivery, and Jemma came out very quickly with that assistance. I narrowly avoided a c-section, although I did end up with a 3rd degree tear thanks to my daughter's broad shoulders. It was worth it, though, and I much prefer that to a c-section scar and recovery.
Jemma turned out to be 8 lbs, 12 oz; 21 3/4 inches long; brown hair; and brownish blue eyes. She had a small abrasion on her head, but this is healing well. She also was slightly jaundiced, but again, this has cleared up. We are breastfeeding, and she had a little trouble at first, but she's a pro now. She had her first pediatrician visit today, and Dr. Weatherington was very pleased with her. She's up to 8lbs, 14 oz (already surpassed her birth weight!) and is doing all the things she should be.
I am doing well considering how difficult Jemma's birth was. I have had some complications with my tear repairing, and I have to go to the doctor every 2 days until it starts to heal on its own, which hopefully should be soon. My doctors' seem pleased with the progress, but it's just going to take some time for everything to go back together. Basically this just means I have to rest a lot and stay off my feet as much as I can. I'm not allowed to lift anything heavier than Jemma. Tom stayed home the past 2 weeks to help me out, and I have lots of friends and family who will be helping during the day once he goes back to work Monday.
Anyway, overall everything is going pretty well. Jemma is a pretty easy baby, and we are enjoying having her with us finally. We're spending lots of time cuddling and snuggling and napping together. We'll keep you updated on how life is going, but for now, we're just spending time at home adusting to life with Jemma!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Gearing Up
Well, it's Monday. I was hoping to have a baby, or at least be on my way to having one by now. I do think it will be soon, as I having been having lots more contractions. Friday I went to the doctor, got checked out (almost 3 cm dilated!), and they stripped my membranes. I also got referred to a dermatologist for this skin rash, as my OB seems to have no real clue what it is other than to say "it's probably pregnancy related." I am still convinced it is PUPPP after looking at all the information online, and knowing my own symptoms. The OB was hoping a dermatologist could make sure it wasn't anything worse, and get me some relief from all the itching. However, no one was available Friday, so I am going to see if someone can squeeze me in this afternoon or tomorrow. I'm not sure what they'll be able to do, but I figure it is worth a shot.
Anywho, Friday I had contractions off and on all day following my doctor's appt, and by evening they did regulate to 10 minutes apart, but then tapered off before bed. Saturday morning I didn't feel a whole lot, but again as the day progressed, contractions picked up and even kept me awake until about 2 AM. They were 5-7 minutes apart, but then stopped once I fell asleep. Yesterday was the same, except I had them intermittently all night but not in any type of pattern. This, combined with the itchy feeling, left me waking up about every hour. They are also getting stronger and have been more intense each day. This makes me think labor is coming soon, as my body really seems to be gearing up and practicing. I hope so. I am ready to get over the waiting and meet this little person. So, keep your fingers crossed that labor starts soon, and that we have a healthy mama and a healthy baby at the end of it. We'll continue to keep you updated!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Week 39
I'm itchy. All over. Although my doctor last week did not think much of the rash beginning on my stomach (he said it was due to all the stretching and to use hydrocortisone cream 3 x day). Well, now it is everywhere. EVERYWHERE. From the tops of my feet to my shoulders and down to the tops of my hands. It has not yet spread to my back or bottom, but the entire front of me looks like it is covered in little red bumps...sort of like pimples but paler. As an added bonus, the initial ones that started on my stretch marks have morphed into this red blob...although they have been less itchy than the other places of my body. Or I am just noticing it less because there are so many other places itching. Oh the joys of pregnancy. On the plus side, while this is more annoying than chicken pox, it has no harmful side effects for the baby - just intense, horrible itching bumps for me! It is definitely PUPPP, even if the doctor didn't officialy diagnosis. Currently my focus is on trying to get the itching to lessen.
I have had some contractions this week, but I haven't really been feeling a whole lot. One false incident on Wednesday morning, but that ended up going nowhere. Surprisingly, I thought I'd be feeling a lot more frantic about having the baby than I am. Two weeks ago I was more than ready to be done, and while I definitely want to be done, I am feeling more calm about the whole process (even with the added itch factor). I guess I have accepted the fact that the baby will come when she's ready. It also helped a little that the doctor told me they wouldn't let me go more than a week overdue, which puts me at under 2 weeks regardless. I can handle that.
I have had some contractions this week, but I haven't really been feeling a whole lot. One false incident on Wednesday morning, but that ended up going nowhere. Surprisingly, I thought I'd be feeling a lot more frantic about having the baby than I am. Two weeks ago I was more than ready to be done, and while I definitely want to be done, I am feeling more calm about the whole process (even with the added itch factor). I guess I have accepted the fact that the baby will come when she's ready. It also helped a little that the doctor told me they wouldn't let me go more than a week overdue, which puts me at under 2 weeks regardless. I can handle that.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Steady Progress
Good news! I'm up to 80% effaced as of today - still only dilated 1.5 cm or so, but the doctor was happy with my progression, and said I was moving along well. He also stripped my membranes during the exam, which was uncomfortable, but will hopefully help things move along. They also told me they wouldn't let me go more than 1 week overdue, which made me feel better. I really don't want to be induced, but the thought of another whole month was awful. However, the doctor said he didn't think that was going to be a problem for me. Yippee! Maybe we'll have a baby here soon....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
38 week woes
I go to the doctor again tomorrow. I thought about waiting to post until then, but I am bored and wanted to give a little update. I'm holding up fairly well, although I swear my belly gets bigger by the day. Tom said I look like I've grown a lot in the last few days, and my body definitely agrees. It is increasingly more difficult to, well, do anything! Mostly, I have trouble transitioning from one position to another, like from sitting to standing. This is only a problem because I can't seem to stay comfortable for long, and I need to switch positions a lot.
My biggest complaint is this itchy stomach of mine. As I reported last week, I have developed a few stretch marks, although they are not terrible. What is terrible is the itching they cause. At first I thought it was just the stretch marks, but I am beginning to fear it is something called "PUPPP", or pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. Here is some information I found about it:
This is the most common rash in pregnant women. It normally occurs in first pregnancies during the third trimester with an average onset of 35 weeks. Thankfully, PUPPP does not usually affect subsequent pregnancies.
Appearance of PUPPP
The rash of PUPPP almost always begins in the stretch marks (striae) of the abdomen. It does not involve the belly button distinguishing it from other common rashes of pregnancy. The rash itself consists of small, red wheals in the stretch marks that grow together to form larger wheals on the abdomen. Sometimes the rash can include small vesicles. Over the next several days, the rash can spread over the thighs, buttocks, breasts, and arms. The rash is very itchy, or pruritic, hence the name. This condition is harmless to mother and baby, but can be very annoying. It lasts an average of 6 weeks and resolves spontaneously 1 to 2 weeks after delivery. The most severe itching normally lasts for no more than 1 week.
Cause of PUPPP
The cause of PUPPP is unknown. It is not associated with preeclampsia, autoimmune disorders, hormonal abnormalities, or fetal abnormalities. Some investigators suggest that the rapid abdominal wall distension damages connective tissue and causes an inflammatory response. One study has shown that male fetal DNA can be found in skin biopsies of the rash. Since 70% of women with PUPPP give birth to boys, a new hypothesis is that male fetal DNA acts as a skin irritant.
Diagnosis of PUPPP
The diagnosis of PUPPP is clinical, meaning it is based solely on the appearance of the rash. There are no laboratory tests that detect PUPPP. Skin biopsies are not generally performed unless there is a question about the diagnosis.
Treatment of PUPPP
The treatment of PUPPP is symptomatic. High strength steroid creams or ointments used up to 5 to 6 times a day usually relieve the itching and prevent the spread of the rash. Once the rash is under control, changing to a lower strength steroid used less frequently is advisable. For severe cases, daily oral steroids may be necessary to control itching. Oral antihistamines are generally less effective for itching than steroids, but may be useful at night to help with sleep.
Sounds lovely, doesn't it? I'm hoping maybe I don't have this, but the red lines of fire on my belly look eerily similar to the pictures I found online. At least, I am at 38 weeks, so even if it is PUPPP, perhaps it will not spread to terribly. It seems to be concentrated just on my stretch marks for the moment, which seems to be how it starts. I plan to ask the doctor about this tomorrow. Calamine lotion has helped somewhat, but maybe they can give me something else. Or maybe I could just have the baby. That would definitely help the rash go away :) I'll update you again tomorrow!
My biggest complaint is this itchy stomach of mine. As I reported last week, I have developed a few stretch marks, although they are not terrible. What is terrible is the itching they cause. At first I thought it was just the stretch marks, but I am beginning to fear it is something called "PUPPP", or pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. Here is some information I found about it:
This is the most common rash in pregnant women. It normally occurs in first pregnancies during the third trimester with an average onset of 35 weeks. Thankfully, PUPPP does not usually affect subsequent pregnancies.
Appearance of PUPPP
The rash of PUPPP almost always begins in the stretch marks (striae) of the abdomen. It does not involve the belly button distinguishing it from other common rashes of pregnancy. The rash itself consists of small, red wheals in the stretch marks that grow together to form larger wheals on the abdomen. Sometimes the rash can include small vesicles. Over the next several days, the rash can spread over the thighs, buttocks, breasts, and arms. The rash is very itchy, or pruritic, hence the name. This condition is harmless to mother and baby, but can be very annoying. It lasts an average of 6 weeks and resolves spontaneously 1 to 2 weeks after delivery. The most severe itching normally lasts for no more than 1 week.
Cause of PUPPP
The cause of PUPPP is unknown. It is not associated with preeclampsia, autoimmune disorders, hormonal abnormalities, or fetal abnormalities. Some investigators suggest that the rapid abdominal wall distension damages connective tissue and causes an inflammatory response. One study has shown that male fetal DNA can be found in skin biopsies of the rash. Since 70% of women with PUPPP give birth to boys, a new hypothesis is that male fetal DNA acts as a skin irritant.
Diagnosis of PUPPP
The diagnosis of PUPPP is clinical, meaning it is based solely on the appearance of the rash. There are no laboratory tests that detect PUPPP. Skin biopsies are not generally performed unless there is a question about the diagnosis.
Treatment of PUPPP
The treatment of PUPPP is symptomatic. High strength steroid creams or ointments used up to 5 to 6 times a day usually relieve the itching and prevent the spread of the rash. Once the rash is under control, changing to a lower strength steroid used less frequently is advisable. For severe cases, daily oral steroids may be necessary to control itching. Oral antihistamines are generally less effective for itching than steroids, but may be useful at night to help with sleep.
Sounds lovely, doesn't it? I'm hoping maybe I don't have this, but the red lines of fire on my belly look eerily similar to the pictures I found online. At least, I am at 38 weeks, so even if it is PUPPP, perhaps it will not spread to terribly. It seems to be concentrated just on my stretch marks for the moment, which seems to be how it starts. I plan to ask the doctor about this tomorrow. Calamine lotion has helped somewhat, but maybe they can give me something else. Or maybe I could just have the baby. That would definitely help the rash go away :) I'll update you again tomorrow!
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