Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Waiting Game

Guess what? Today is Tom's birthday, which was the last big event before my due date. I had mentioned before that I was counting down based on the large events in our lives (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc), and Tom's birthday was the last on my list! Now that I'm thinking of it, my sister Kari's birthday is February 4th, so I could add that in! Anyway, what I am getting at is that this whole birth thing is fast approaching! I am 35 weeks today, which is only 35 days till my due date (although I could potentially be looking at an additional 2 weeks if she shows up late). I am really getting excited to be done with pregnancy and just be a mom! I will so love being able to roll over in bed easily, sleep on my stomach, walk without waddling...oh the joys of the third trimester. I can't complain much because I have had a relatively easy pregnancy in comparison to many people I know. It will just be nice to be done with this process.

Oh, and thank you to everyone for all your thoughtful gifts at my showers! We are so thankful for everything, and it will make this transition so much easier to have these things ahead of time. We truly appreciate everything!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

You've made it farther than I did! She will be here before you know it. Enjoy your remaining time with just you and Tom and the rest of your pregnancy!