Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Name Game

I believe my current most asked question is "Have you picked a name?" Tom and I both are constantly asked this question, whether from our loving parents or random strangers. My usual response ranges from a simple "No" to "We've thought of some, but we haven't picked" This last response inevitably leads to a follow up question of "What are you thinking of?" To which I am forced to respond, "It's a secret!" Tom and I made the decision early in my pregnancy that 1) we were not going to choose a name until the baby was born, and 2) that our choices were going to be secret until that time. Now very early (like 3-4 months ago) we may have spilled the beans to close friends or family, but we are seriously trying to keep our mouths shut at this point. This is for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it was a decision we wanted to make ourselves and since we found out the sex, we wanted to have a surprise for everyone at the delivery room.

Because this question continues to be asked, I wanted to make a blanket statement that we truly are keeping it a secret and no, we will not tell you - no, not even one name! Most people have been very respectful of this, but I feel really bad when someone is overly curious (whether it is a close relative or not) and continues to ask, while I basically have to repeat "I'm not telling," although I do try to be more polite than that. This is not because we don't like you, but just because for now, it is our secret.

I will say we have narrowed down our choices to approximately 5-6 names first names and 3-4 middle names, but there is no clear cut winner, and honestly, there probably won't be until she arrives. What if we had picked out Katherine and she comes out looking like a Madison (neither of which are on our list by the way)? So in summary, please be respectful of our decision and do not be offended when we will not tell you our choices. Thanks everyone!

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