Monday, November 10, 2008

I Failed the Glucose Test!

For anyone who is familiar with pregnancy, there is a condition called gestational diabetes, which means that the mother develops diabetes during her pregnancy only. Pregnant women 25 or older are routinely screened for this problem by undergoing a 1 hour glucose tolerance test. Basically, you have to drink a special bottle of "juice" (mine was fruit punch - not too bad actually), and then wait an hour at the doctor's office until they draw your blood to test the glucose levels. I took this test Friday, and then got a call from my OB office this afternoon letting me know that I failed it. My glucose levels were higher than they should be. However, not to be alarmed, the next step is a 3 hour fasting glucose test. This one involves fasting from midnight the night before, going to the doctor's to drink the juice, staying at the doctor's for 3 hours, and then getting my blood drawn. Not the end of the world, but it's kind of shooting this Friday morning in the foot. If anyone is bored in the early hours, you can come hang out with me at the Western Hills office of Seven Hills Women's Health Center!! I'll be there from 8:45 to noon!!!

1 comment:

ParamourANGEL said...

Ug! I am sorry to hear about that! I hope that everything comes back ok on Friday. I will be praying for you!