1. She likes to eat. A LOT. The girl literally ate for almost the first 2 hours of her life (with a half hour break or so while her daddy held her) and this verocity for food has continued so far. You can tell she's a Pope ;)
2. She's a spitter. This is a whole new world for Tom and I. Jemma rarely spit up and we never needed extra outfits or burp cloths. It's a necessity with Lily! I'm pretty sure she has reflux and have actually decided to cut out dairy products to see if that makes a difference.
3. She loves her tummy and hates her back. I think she'd sleep for hours on her tummy if I let her! I do when I'm awake and watching her, but at night she sleeps on her side for fear of her spitting up and choking when she's on her back or being unable to breathe on her tummy.

4. She loves a good cuddle, especially on Mommy. She likes to lay on Daddy too, but Mommy has better pillows ;)

5. She's a good sleeper. Yippee! Cross my fingers, knock on wood, this kiddo sleeps for 3-4 hours stretches at night and has since week 1. She had one night of eating every hour the first night my milk came in, but has so far continued with her 3 hour schedule, which isn't so bad.
I'm sure we'll have more to update as Lily is doing more, but mostly at this point, she's doing all those important newborn things - mostly growing! She's finally starting to fit in her clothes better. She's a sweet baby. And of course, here are some adorable pictures of the little princess!

Lily is absolutely beautiful! She looks so much like her big sister.
What a cutie! I think she looks like mommy! Congrats!
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