For instance, we have had this little child's chair in our living room since she was about 4 or 5 months old. We originally used it like a bouncy seat, then as a feeding seat, and she had pretty much ignored it for several months until she recently decided it was perfect for climbing on! Today she climbed into it with her snack and sat there while she ate. It is amazing to think that a few short months ago we were placing her in the seat and now she gets in and out herself.
And just so you have a visual, here is Jemma at 4ish months (this was the first time she held a rattle)
And here's her today at snack time...
I can't believe our little girl is going to be 1 in less than a month!!
My, how time flies! She is absolutley beautiful.
Ohhhh...she is darling! Your little girl is finding her independence. She will have so much fun exploring and you will have just as much fun watching her learn her way. And I love the outfit!
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