We went to the doctor for my weekly check-up today, and I've made a little progress - 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced (or as the doc put it "halfway thinned out"). I was happy to hear that there are changes going on, but I'm trying to just take this all one day at a time. She's going to come when she's ready, so there is no sense in worrying about it. Of course, it took me like 2 weeks to realize this, but I guess at least I figured it out now! I was going a little nuts worrying about every little twinge, tightening, or sign, and I've just decided I will go insane if I keep that up. So we'll just take it a step at a time, and the baby will get here when she gets here.
I do have to admit I'm a little excited about the effacing part because up until now I hadn't had any changes in that area. That still doesn't mean we'll be going into labor soon, but that's okay! I'm planning like she's coming tomorrow but expecting that she won't be here until past her due date. I figure that way I'm not disappointed :) Besides, there are actually benefits to going longer - at least for me. The longer I work, the more time I accumulate to take off after, and the more time I work at my normal salary. On the other hand, if she comes a little early, I just get to have more time with my baby, so that is great! Anyway, that is all I have to report for today, so I'll talk to you all soon!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Random Stuff
Well, I am sitting at work, watching the snow fall outside our window. None of our patients showed up, and it is likely that none will this afternoon either. I don't blame them. I wouldn't be taking my child out in this if I didn't have to. Unfortunately for her, she's still stuck going everywhere I go since she still has a few weeks left in there (although sooner is okay with me - I keep trying to tell her that she can come out now, but she apparently isn't listening. The rebellion begins...).
Anywhoo, there is not a lot going on with us except wait and see! The doctors said I could go anytime or maybe not for a few more weeks. I am feeling a lot more pressure and I am a "fingertip dilated" (can't remember if I posted that before or not, but oh well - pregnancy brain!). I'm having more and more Braxton Hicks contractions, so my body is definitely practicing for the big day. I've also recently developed stretch marks (BOOO!), which I was so hoping to go without. How annoying to make it 37 weeks without a single one, and then get like 10 in a day...I just hope they don't spread too much...
Tonight, as long as the weather holds up, Tom and I are going to a new parent visit at one of our possible pediatrician choices - Springdale Mason Pediatrics. They have 2 offices and we are planning to use the Springdale office, as long as we like who we see this evening. We are trying to find a pediatrician who will be knowledgable and helpful about delaying and spreading out vaccinations. I know there is no conclusive evidence linking vaccinations to anything, but I have had way too many patients who come in with the story that their child was fine, got a vaccine, and then went downhill. Better safe than sorry, in my opinion. Tom agrees. Plus, looking at the vaccination schedule for kids now compared to what we got when we were young is astounding. They get like 6 vaccinations at 2 months...that seems like a lot to throw at a little baby. We do want our child to have all her vaccines, just hopefully spread out.
Well, I'm not sure I have a whole lot more to ramble about, but if I think of anything, I'll be sure to let you know :) Enjoy this beautiful snow and be safe!
Anywhoo, there is not a lot going on with us except wait and see! The doctors said I could go anytime or maybe not for a few more weeks. I am feeling a lot more pressure and I am a "fingertip dilated" (can't remember if I posted that before or not, but oh well - pregnancy brain!). I'm having more and more Braxton Hicks contractions, so my body is definitely practicing for the big day. I've also recently developed stretch marks (BOOO!), which I was so hoping to go without. How annoying to make it 37 weeks without a single one, and then get like 10 in a day...I just hope they don't spread too much...
Tonight, as long as the weather holds up, Tom and I are going to a new parent visit at one of our possible pediatrician choices - Springdale Mason Pediatrics. They have 2 offices and we are planning to use the Springdale office, as long as we like who we see this evening. We are trying to find a pediatrician who will be knowledgable and helpful about delaying and spreading out vaccinations. I know there is no conclusive evidence linking vaccinations to anything, but I have had way too many patients who come in with the story that their child was fine, got a vaccine, and then went downhill. Better safe than sorry, in my opinion. Tom agrees. Plus, looking at the vaccination schedule for kids now compared to what we got when we were young is astounding. They get like 6 vaccinations at 2 months...that seems like a lot to throw at a little baby. We do want our child to have all her vaccines, just hopefully spread out.
Well, I'm not sure I have a whole lot more to ramble about, but if I think of anything, I'll be sure to let you know :) Enjoy this beautiful snow and be safe!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Baby Survey
Name: Erin
Birthdate: 09/21/1983
Current Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight before pregnancy: 145 lbs.
Current Weight: 171 lbs
Partner's Name: Tom
Partner's Birthdate: 01/14/1983
Partner's Age: 26
Partner's Height: 6'2''
Partner's Weight before pregnancy: ??? Roughly 200 lbs or so
Partner's Current Weight: Same
When did you find out you were pregnant? June 12 was the first positive pregnancy test, and we confirmed it at the doctor on June 17.
Who did you tell first about the pregnancy? Tom
Date of Conception? um...not really sure?
Due Date? February 18, 2009
Was the pregnancy planned? We weren't preventing it from happening but we weren't trying very hard either.
How did your parents react? My parents were excited but pretty calm about the whole thing.
How did your partner's parents react? My father-in-law's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head and my mother-in-law screamed at the top of her lungs. They were only a little excited :)
Did you go to the doctor yet? More times than I can count
Did you have your first ultrasound? I've had 3 total
Do you know the sex? yes
Boy or Girl? Girl
How is the baby's movement? She used to kick me repeatedly as soon as I sat or laid down, but her movements have slowed down a little lately. Now it is more like a gentle rolling most of the time, but there are still occasions of hard kicks.
How is the baby's heartbeat? Strong - usually around 140s-150s
Baby's name? ***** ********* or ******* ********* or ******** ***** or maybe ******** **** you all know we haven't decided and the names are secret anyway!!
Who do you think the baby will look like? My nose at least, probably brown hair which will turn blonde later. I'm hoping she gets Tom's big brown eyes and his ears (mine are a little too elfy)
Mom to be's favorite foods? Anything made from potatoes
Mom to be's latest cravings? Chocolate
Mom to be's latest "mom" moment? When we moved the bassinet into our bedroom and I thought how there was really going to be a baby in there soon!
What was the first change you noticed in your body? Suddenly I felt nauseous all the time
What was the latest change in your body? Back pain and increasing pelvic pressure
What is your sleep schedule? It varies, but it usally involves falling asleep around 10-11, waking at 12-1, and then getting up around 6-7
What is your work schedule? 8-4:30, Mon-Thurs
What is the last thing you bought for the baby? Chest rub, baby tylenol
What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Spare parts for the breastpump (I guess that was for both of us)
Planned birth place? Good Samaritan Hospital
Are you scared? More like anxious but a little yeah
Are you going to use drugs? Not if I can help it
How do you think you will react? I have no idea - I will probably cry and be very happy
How do you think your partner will react? I'm predicting he will cry, but you know, the manly kind when you shed like 1 or 2 actual tears and mostly just get all wet around the eyes
Have you started birthing classes? We already had ours.
What is the nursery theme? Ocean
Are you going to breastfeed? Of course
Birthdate: 09/21/1983
Current Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight before pregnancy: 145 lbs.
Current Weight: 171 lbs
Partner's Name: Tom
Partner's Birthdate: 01/14/1983
Partner's Age: 26
Partner's Height: 6'2''
Partner's Weight before pregnancy: ??? Roughly 200 lbs or so
Partner's Current Weight: Same
When did you find out you were pregnant? June 12 was the first positive pregnancy test, and we confirmed it at the doctor on June 17.
Who did you tell first about the pregnancy? Tom
Date of Conception? um...not really sure?
Due Date? February 18, 2009
Was the pregnancy planned? We weren't preventing it from happening but we weren't trying very hard either.
How did your parents react? My parents were excited but pretty calm about the whole thing.
How did your partner's parents react? My father-in-law's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head and my mother-in-law screamed at the top of her lungs. They were only a little excited :)
Did you go to the doctor yet? More times than I can count
Did you have your first ultrasound? I've had 3 total
Do you know the sex? yes
Boy or Girl? Girl
How is the baby's movement? She used to kick me repeatedly as soon as I sat or laid down, but her movements have slowed down a little lately. Now it is more like a gentle rolling most of the time, but there are still occasions of hard kicks.
How is the baby's heartbeat? Strong - usually around 140s-150s
Baby's name? ***** ********* or ******* ********* or ******** ***** or maybe ******** **** you all know we haven't decided and the names are secret anyway!!
Who do you think the baby will look like? My nose at least, probably brown hair which will turn blonde later. I'm hoping she gets Tom's big brown eyes and his ears (mine are a little too elfy)
Mom to be's favorite foods? Anything made from potatoes
Mom to be's latest cravings? Chocolate
Mom to be's latest "mom" moment? When we moved the bassinet into our bedroom and I thought how there was really going to be a baby in there soon!
What was the first change you noticed in your body? Suddenly I felt nauseous all the time
What was the latest change in your body? Back pain and increasing pelvic pressure
What is your sleep schedule? It varies, but it usally involves falling asleep around 10-11, waking at 12-1, and then getting up around 6-7
What is your work schedule? 8-4:30, Mon-Thurs
What is the last thing you bought for the baby? Chest rub, baby tylenol
What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Spare parts for the breastpump (I guess that was for both of us)
Planned birth place? Good Samaritan Hospital
Are you scared? More like anxious but a little yeah
Are you going to use drugs? Not if I can help it
How do you think you will react? I have no idea - I will probably cry and be very happy
How do you think your partner will react? I'm predicting he will cry, but you know, the manly kind when you shed like 1 or 2 actual tears and mostly just get all wet around the eyes
Have you started birthing classes? We already had ours.
What is the nursery theme? Ocean
Are you going to breastfeed? Of course
I'm Here:)
Sorry I haven't posted lately, but there isn't really a lot going on, and I have been feeling pretty worn out. I'm trying not to complain a lot, so let's just say I'm ready to be done. I wish my body would make up it's mind to either get this done or go to the due date! At my last visit, I was a "fingertip dilated" and I've been having increasingly more intense Braxton-Hicks contractions, so the doctor thinks there is a higher chance I will go early. Who knows? Anyway, we are all set at home, I've got everything packed, and the only thing left to do is organize our guest room so we can use it if needed. I honestly don't have a lot else to say, but if anything changes we'll let you know!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Waiting Game
Guess what? Today is Tom's birthday, which was the last big event before my due date. I had mentioned before that I was counting down based on the large events in our lives (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc), and Tom's birthday was the last on my list! Now that I'm thinking of it, my sister Kari's birthday is February 4th, so I could add that in! Anyway, what I am getting at is that this whole birth thing is fast approaching! I am 35 weeks today, which is only 35 days till my due date (although I could potentially be looking at an additional 2 weeks if she shows up late). I am really getting excited to be done with pregnancy and just be a mom! I will so love being able to roll over in bed easily, sleep on my stomach, walk without waddling...oh the joys of the third trimester. I can't complain much because I have had a relatively easy pregnancy in comparison to many people I know. It will just be nice to be done with this process.
Oh, and thank you to everyone for all your thoughtful gifts at my showers! We are so thankful for everything, and it will make this transition so much easier to have these things ahead of time. We truly appreciate everything!!
Oh, and thank you to everyone for all your thoughtful gifts at my showers! We are so thankful for everything, and it will make this transition so much easier to have these things ahead of time. We truly appreciate everything!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Pampered Friday
Today I got to go to Becoming Mom spa in Mason for a pregnancy massage and pedicure. It was W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L! I feel awesome! My darling husband got me a package for Christmas because I have been having a lot more back pain and this was fantastic. I loved it! My massage therapist was sweet and it was really relaxing. The therapists are specially trained in pregnancy massage and specifically third trimester massage. I did not know this, but apparently certain points are believed to induce labor, so most massage therapists will not perform a third trimester massage. Who knew? Tom put a lot of effort into researching and finding this place, so it was really special for me. It was an awesome present.

The pedicure was really great too because I haven't had a chance to pamper my feet in a while - simply because I can't reach them very well. So if you are looking for a great gift for a pregnant mom in your life, I highly recommend this place - they are great. And the best part is they use safe products. While I was there I picked up some Zoya nail polish - it is free of all those yucky chemicals. Awesome!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Baby Shower #1
Yippee! Today was my first baby shower, and it turned out really nice. Thanks to my mother-in-law and aunt-in-law for throwing a very nice shower. It was relaxing but fun, which was perfect. And thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for all the wonderful gifts. It will all be so helpful in the coming months!
And now I'm up for baby shower #2 this Saturday...I tell you there is a lot of baby showering going on here, but that is a-okay with me :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Went to the doctor today...
Nothing new to report, except I've gained another 3-4 pounds. The doctor is happy. I actually cannot complain because my weight has been really good. I do have to watch it a little bit these last 2 months because I was apparently very close to failing my 3 hour glucose test. The doc said if I had scored 1 or 2 points higher they would have sent me to the dietician and I would have to be monitoring my blood sugar. Thankfully, that is not the case, but I do want to stay as healthy as I can. I am actually looking forward to going back to work Monday so that I can be more active. This 10 day vacation has been awesome - don't get me wrong - but work is my exercise :) It keeps me up and moving which is good for me and the baby. Anyway, looking forward to seeing everyone at the shower Sunday!
PS: I've been updating my What We Really Need post as my registries are being shopped, so you know what are the current urgent items!
PS: I've been updating my What We Really Need post as my registries are being shopped, so you know what are the current urgent items!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Nursery Pics!
With Tom and I both off for an extended holiday break, we have been able to get a lot done around the house - including finishing up the nursery. Now all it needs is stuff to fill it up!

Now there are decorations around the crib. Yeah! The orange seahorse lamp is still one of my favorite things. It give a really nice soft glow which will be fantastic for late night feedings. And we just happened to have these 2 small shelving units (the tan one), which are perfect for storing baby items. This one has (or will have) extra sheets and blankets for the crib.
Close-up of the rainbow fish pictures which hang above the crib. Aren't they so cute and friendly looking??
Rainbow fish rug from IKEA - I love that place. They have some really cute stuff. And they seem to be one of the only places which have ocean decorations for children's rooms. Almost all of the decorative stuff has come from them, excluding the rainbow fish pictures. I found those at Target. But the IKEA items are very bright and colorful, which goes great with the ocean!
What will be our changing area once we have a changing pad and diaper pail. The dresser and shelves were another IKEA purchase. The lamp is only temporary until we find a floor lamp for that spot. I also like that the dresser fronts are clear so you can see through the drawers a bit.
And a close-up view of the drawer. I think it looks so cute with all the little clothes. It's crazy to think that a person will actually fit into those! On the far right in the picture are some of the diaper covers I've gotten so far. The ones in the back are the night time covers, and the front ones are for day time. The drawers are filling up fast these days!!
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