Monday, September 22, 2008

Latest news!

Well, I had my latest ultrasound on Sept. 10, and all looked well. This ultrasound was to confirm my due date (Feb. 19, 2009), and it appears to be on target. We also got the great news that we are having a little girl!! She was not being very lady like during the ultrasound, and had her little bottom up in the air, giving us quite the view. On the other hand, the ultrasound tech was very sure that she was a girl. I am trying to post the ultrasound pics, but am having some issues with the scanner, so watch for those soon. Other than that, we're doing well!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We are so happy for you! Let us know if there is anything you need.

Erin, Andy, Nora, and Colton

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! A GIRL!!! YAY!! ok i have to start a quilt for her!

Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, guys! This is such an exciting time! You will always be glad you had a girl first! They are great little helpers, no matter how many rotten little boys you add later! ;0) lol

Angie, Mike, Whitney, Grant, Owen, and Reid

Anonymous said...

It's a girl! Yah! Glad to hear you are both doing so well! Let's try and plan our next hangout.

Anonymous said...

I just saw you had this blog and I'm so excited for you and Tom! Congratulations on the news it's a girl! Good luck with everything. I know you'll both make amazing parents. Take care :)
