I've been busy enjoying our new little addition as well as our super spunky 2 year old. Jemma has officially become a toddler. I may not have wanted to admit it before Lily was born, but there's no denying it now. Her favorite question is "why?" and she dresses and redresses herself 5 times a day lol. She's still the queen of cuteness though.

She's also become quite the little artist. I got her some paints the other day and she's asked to paint every day. (Disregard the dirty face...she'd just had lunch)

Lily is a sweet little angel and I love her to pieces. Poor babe has been battling reflux. I noticed this right away when she was born, but it didn't seem to bother her until around 3-4 weeks old. We got a prescription for Zantac from the pedi (which has helped a lot) and I stopped eating dairy (which helped even more). It's been a bit of a transition for me since milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream are pretty much staples of my diet. But I'm learning to read labels and eat differently. Started drinking soy milk and eating soy ice cream...did you know they even make a cheese subsitute? Tastes a little like cheese puffs. Anywho, it definitely helped me shed some pounds as I am only 3 pounds shy of my pre-Lily weight. Hoping to drop a little more too! It has made such a difference for her. We went from vomiting out her nose and mouth with a pretty large amount at every feed to a little puddle every other feed or so. Double bonus that it's helping me too. I've been wearing her in our wraps a lot since staying upright minimizes the spit-up and plus she just seems to love it. Jemma liked being worn, but Lily LOVES it. She is such a little cuddle bug.