Well, most of you know by now that I'm preggo with #2! We are very happily anticipating adding another little girl to our family in early April. The pregnancy has been going very well - I initially had some nausea and some extreme fatigue, but that passed pretty quickly this time. I've been feeling great for a month or so. This little lady is much more active than Jemma was. Jemma would only kick in the evenings or when I laid down to rest; this one is kicking me all day long! She especially hates when I sit down to drive and repeatedly kicks me where the seat belt presses into my stomach :)
We've been telling Jemma that there is a baby in Mama's belly, but I'm not sure how much she understands. She loves her cousin Ella and loves to help change her diaper, hug her, and bring her a "ki-ki" (her word for pacifier). I'm hoping this will transition well when she has a little sister of her own! We're in the process of moving her to into her big girl room. It is decorated and ready to go, but we're making a slow transition to sleeping in the big girl bed. She is still preferring her crib, which is fine. We have plenty of time to move her. The new baby won't need the crib for several months anyway.
I switched OB practices this time, mainly because I wanted to develop a better relationship with my doctor. The first practice I used had 5 doctors and it was hard to get to know all of them. This one has 2 and it is also much closer to our house. The doctors are amazing and I really like both of them. They spend time talking to you and genuinely care how you are feeling and how the pregnancy is going. I've been really happy with my switch so far. I'm determined that this time I'm going to have a natural birth and my docs are so supportive of that.
Overall, we are all doing great. It's amazing how fast this pregnancy has progressed. It's halfway through and I feel like we still have so much to do before this little one makes her appearance! I'll continue to keep you updated! Happy Thanksgiving!!